Creating scholarship, learning and career advancement opportunities.

Creating scholarship, learning and career advancement opportunities.

Save the Date

The Washington Media Scholars Foundation will hold its annual Awards Luncheon and Networking Reception on Thursday, June 8, 2023. These events celebrate the achievements of 12 undergraduate finalists participating in the Media Plan Case Competition. The day begins with an Awards Luncheon announcing the winners of the National Excellence in Media Award, The Mia Guion Award and the distribution of $18,500 in scholarship awards. That evening, media industry leaders from across the country will gather  for the WMSF’s annual Networking Reception hosted by our generous sponsor, GMMB.

Entry level sponsorships to attend the Luncheon start at the $5,000 “Founding Partner” level. 

Entry level sponsorships to attend the Media Mixer start at the $2,500 “Sustaining Partner” level.

Download the 2023 Benefits of Sponsorship to find the giving level that is right for you. Once you are ready to become a sponsor, you can donate online at or email for a Sponsorship Invoice and related tax documents.


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